You spiritually inferior naifs.
You quoted a certain Mollie Hemingway that
The lack of any naked ladies in the pages of Playboy is a perfect description of where sexual libertinism actually leads.
Should you be so lucky. Should you be so lucky, pathetic fools!
Behold the Satanic beauty of ‘Yes, means Yes‘! While insisting on the crudest sex-positive propaganda, and in the most sex-obsessed environment, we have made legal sex all but impossible! All sex means rape, unless you ask for and receive consent every ten minutes. Realistically, that will shut sex down faster than a mid-coitus Star Wars rant about how Solo really shoot second. Soon, you will have to get something notarized before sex….. hmmm. I might need to change tactics there. That is suspiciously close to marriage. In any case, no one has any workable rules… (and no one will! Hah Hah Hah!)
But even then, it is just a ‘he said, she said’ situation, unless you videotape it. And yes, fools, that suggestion has been made in earnest by people actually thinking about this. Well, males anyway. Modern Feminism does not advocate for men. It has both genders being victims of the other gender and stirring up a real gender war between them, while only a few men benefit and offend.
Kissinger may have said,
No one will ever win the battle of the sexes; there’s too much fraternizing with the enemy.
But we can stop that. Oh, yes we can!
Screwtape, Sr. Tempter